MMM Kegal

Contact details

Krystyna Marut Legal Counsel
27B/31, Zimowa str.
05-500 Nowa Iwiczna, Poland
Tax no 734-141-61-88, Regon 140400455
Entered on the list of legal counsels maintained by the District Legal Counsels' Board in Warsaw, no WA-5036.

Edyta Michalak Legal Counsel
83a Potockiego str.
96-313 Budy-Grzybek, Poland
Tax no 529-108-73-32, Regon 140223579
Entered on the list of legal counsels maintained by the District Legal Counsels' Board in Warsaw, no WA-5294.

Anna Burchacińska-Mańko Legal Counsel
10/16 Sarmacka str.
02-972 Warsaw, Poland
Tax no 521 286 99 17, Regon 141616980
Entered on the list of legal counsels maintained by the District Legal Counsels' Board in Warsaw, no WA-5216

Dominik Marut Legal Counsel
27B/31, Zimowa str.
05-500 Nowa Iwiczna, Poland
Tax no 692-220-64-28, Regon 140661931

Entered on the list of legal counsels maintained by the District Legal Counsels' Board in Warsaw, no WA-5849